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This is one of the latest charity projects by the artists, a treasure hunt withe the release of his new Album "Game Changer". Where the fans can search for hidden codes in his Music Videos and Social Media - to then get access to a bitcoin wallet, to who ever decodes everything first. The "epic Game Changer hunt" began on the 23. July 2021 with the release of his new single called "Best Combination".
(see video below)
When EES was approached with the idea of a bitcoin treasure hunt in one of his new music videos, he immediately cam up with the idea of donating 25% to charity. This makes the innitial 1 Bitcoin winning prize smaller and more difficult to explain to the public - but will benefit a charity organisation in Namibia.

The whole treasure hunt had to be split up into 2 separate bitcoin wallets. One with the winning prize money to who ever cracks the codes first and a second bitcoin wallet especially for the charity of this project. This is to separate the two wallets and make sure that people who want to support this treasure hunt and/or the charity separately could do so, knowing exactly where their donation is goings to. EES encourages the viewers of his animated explanation video to also donate to the charity wallet and that at the end of the treasure hunt there will be a poll on the Reddit page giving the viewers the chance to select the Charity organisation in Namibia that should receive the contents of the charity bitcoin wallet from this project.
Have a look at the animated explanation video and please do not hesitate to support and donate to the epic Game Changer Bitcoin hunt and/or the Charity Bitcoin wallet. Setting up this whole treasure hunt was a lot of work and we would like to thank the sponsor (who would like to remain anonymous) of this Bitcoin and his brilliant idea to get more reach and attention to EES, his music and charity work.
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